Ómbre Brows

Ómbre/Powder Brow Semi Permanent Eyebrow Tattoos at The BrowBar

When you want an eyebrow look that is soft glam and always made up – without needing makeup – the ombre brow is a great option. This delicate eyebrow shading technique creates a subtle gradient effect with soft misty fronts blending into a sharp and defined tail. This technique can be customized to look either very soft and natural or defined and bold. It is the most versatile style and compliments everyone.

The Brow Bar uses the ómbre brow technique to help our clients get filled in looking brows that are soft and defined. Our artists can create an ómbre brow for a wide variety of clients with a customized appearance that gives you the brows you have always wanted. Make an appointment with our artists in Garden Grove, Orange County or Oakdale, MN to get started on your brow transformation.

Transformations at The BrowBar with Powder Brow

As with other types of permanent eyebrow tattoos, ómbre brows can help you get the same look you might achieve with makeup, but in a way that is ready to go from the moment you wake up. We use a fine needle and practiced technique to add pixelated dots of pigment to your skin, filling out the area around your natural brow.

The result is a powdery, makeup look that still appears natural. Lighter tones at the inside corners transition to darker at the edges. This provides a very defined brow shape with the coloring that makes your brows appear thick and highlights the contours of your face. A powder brow session can give you brows that will last for up to 4+ years and works well for clients who:

  • Regularly Make Up Their Brows – If you pencil in your brows most days, ómbre powder brows will let you have that same look without the work. You will have balanced brows and not need to worry about uneven shading or makeup fading throughout the day.
  • Want Fuller Brows – Powder brows can fill in more patchy areas of your eyebrows and create strong lines, helping you correct eyebrows that have been overplucked or may be genetically more sparse.
  • Need a Versatile Look – The artists at The Brow Bar can give you a look that easily goes day to night, and work with you on designing a brow that strikes the right balance of natural and glamorous.
  • Have Oily Skin – While microblading does not work for oily skin, ómbre brow can be used on all skin types with similar lasting effects.

For any desired look, your artist will work individually with you to achieve it. We perform the entire powder brow process by hand with every brow shape carefully designed and precisely shaded to match your idea of perfect brows. 

Get the Process Started – How Ómbre Powder Brow Works at The Brow Bar

The ómbre brow process will take about 3 hours to complete. During that time, you and your artist will plan your look and get your approval on the design. Then we begin the tattoo process to bring that design to life. The healing and aftercare process is generally straightforward for brows that look perfect almost immediately.

We recommend that clients return for a perfecting session 4 to 12 weeks after your initial ómbre brow session where we can make any needed touch ups. 

At The Brow Bar, you are a part of the entire process. We are dedicated to making you feel comfortable as well as beautiful with the final result. Our expertise and in depth training with eyebrow tattooing enables us to perfect our technique and provide you with the same stunning brows you can see on models and celebrities.

Our team is excited to work with you and share more about this aesthetic investment. Book your ómbre brow appointment in Orange County, CA or Oakdale, MN.